The page you selected is in the process of loading as you read this. Here you will see graphic designs and background elements that you'll seldom see on any other site, and because of their nature, they may take longer than traditional web pages to load. We at Northeast Publications believe that a visually pleasing site outweighs the need for speed, and as a graphic design and web design company, we felt the need to show you what our designs actually look like, so you will see why we are second to none in grabbing the attention of potential customers, whether with our business cards, brochures, flyers, web sites, or any of our other projects. We think the wait is worthwhile, and we think you'll agree!
The Value Book is a glossy, full-color, magazine-quality book that is direct-mailed quarterly to six fifferent zones totalling more than 132,000 households throughout eastern Connecticut. We have been publishing and constantly improving the quality of the Value Book for 12 years. We have a renewal rate that exceeds 85%, significantly higher than any other formm of advertising, for one simple reason... the publicatio works...and it works exceptionally well for the hundreds of businesses that advertise regularly in our books. This is a testament to the results that these advertisers generate with the Value Book. After 12 years of continuous publishing of the Value Book, we have developed a tremendous following with consumers, who watch for and use our books each time they are published. Because of the quality of the Value Book and the offers from our advertisers, our books have a much longer shelf life (stay around the house) compared to other newspapers and publications that reach a household. Consumers tend to hold onto and use our books for the full 3 months, for which each is valid. The bottom line with all these points is that you get more response from your advertising in the Value Book.
