Thank you in advance for considering the Value Book as part of your total marketing plan. Over the past 12 tears, hundreds of merchants have come to rely on the Value Book as an integral part, and often their primary advertising medium, in their total marketing program. These advertisers look forward to and depend upon our publications as they have found that full color direct mail advertising is now not only affordable, but has proven to be extremely cost-effective in the Value Book. As you browse through the gallery of information that is contained in this Value Book section of our website, you will find a host of marketing information that we hope will be helpful in assisting you to better advertise & promote your business, and show you why our publication is so effective. We hope that you will give us the opportunity to work for you. Let our experience and expertise in graphic design create a unique layout for you that will perform well beyond your highest expectations. See what a difference full-color advertising can make. We look forward to working with you to achieve the success you desire for your business.