The old adage "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression" couldn't be more true than when it comes to your business card. Most business people present their card to a prospective customer when they first meet at a scheduled meeting or often when they meet someone in a social setting, as when introduced by someone else. This is when your business card is most important! When that person knows little about you or your business, their first impression of you and your company is from your card. If your card is "run of the mill", like the majority of business cards out there, then the customer gets a "run of the mill" impression of you and your business. Think about most of the cards people give to you - did any of them make a strong impression on you when you first looked at the card? Probably not - and you would remember if one had. That is because all of these cards are mediocre at best. Don't believe me - open your drawer, or file, or wherever you save the cards you collect, and flip through them. If there are any strong cards, they will stand out instantly from the rest. Our business cards, or power cards, are built to make an instant impact when your customer first glances at it. Vibrant colors, sharp, high-quality graphics with aq powerful business messwage, printed on high-gloss, durable card stock will give potential customers something to remember you by. We offer 4 types of cards to suit your specific needs. Our standard cards are two-sided with full color on both sides, giving you a great deal of space to show your customers exactly what you do. The cards are also gloss-coated on both sides with the ability to leave a portion uncoated , such as part of the back side, if you wish to be able to write on the cards more easily. We offer appointment cards - where the back side is designed for scheduling appointments or meetings with your clients. We also have a category of cards that is becoming increasingly more popular - promotional cards. These cards are similar to business cards, but with the added dimension of an offer or discount incorporated on the front or back, making the card an even more aggressive marketing tool for you. The offer could be a free guest pass on the back of a fitness center card or a 1/2 price ultimate wash on a car wash/ lube center card. The sky's the limit if you start to think creatively! The last, and our newest type of card is our folding business card. These are, as we say, :like a mini brochure". They fold to the same size as a standard card, so you have a front and back - but also a double-sized middle section, which is great for displaying product and ifno. As you will see, our designs are varied, original, always interesting and worthy of presentation. Of course you would expect to pay a little more than you would for a "run of the mill" card, but the difference our power cards make far outweighs the small additional cost. Our price includes full color graphic design on both sides and our cards are printed on high-gloss, heavy 14 pt. cardstock. How much more would you pay to make a great first impression? 25¢ more? How about 50¢? A dollar for a great impression? Our cards cost only about 12¢ more than an average-quality, single-sided, no-gloss, thin card with line art or clip-art graphics - the kind of cards you collect from everyone else - the ones you forget about as soon as someone hands them to you.
