Value Added Coupon Pages. The Value Added Coupon Pages in your Ultimate Wash Book really are a huge reason that our books generate so much additional revenue for you. Not only do they make your book a much more attractive item to purchase, but often at a higher selling price, because they have so much more value in them. Your customer gets not only the usual free wash in the booklet, but they are now getting a number of other valuable coupons fo free included inside their book. Every time they use a free wash ticket and flip through the book, they are reminded of all of your other services and they are much more likely to try these (detailing, express wax, carpet shampooing,etc.), since they now have a discount ticket for those services. Again, once they try these services, they will very often use them again in the future. So you generate additional revenue now as well as throughout the year. For example, even if only one in 10 people who buy your wash book redeem one of your detailing coupons, and use your detailing service, say even only once evert three months, at $125 per detailing, that alone would generate $250,000 for you throughout the year! It does seem truly seem amazing, but that is the power of exposing your customers to your other services, especially the higher end services and higher levels of washes. We even suggest that you include a variety of messages on the back side of each ticket to further encourage your customers to try your new or other services, or to thank them for their patronage, etc. Again, we make this simple for you by giving you a wide variety of messages to choose from in our design center package, or you can customize your own messages. The more creatively you think, the more effective you can make your books in generating significant revenue for your car wash.